No Time To Run In The Morning? Get A Treadmill At Home

Are you one of the many people who are embarrassed to run on the streets early in the morning? If this is the case, then you should consider getting a treadmill and run in the comfort of your own home where no one will be able to watch you. Running will improve you health and keep you fit. It will also ensure that you lose weight and be slim and trim.

The good thing about owning a treadmill is that you do not have to wake up so early in the morning and run because you can easily run when you have the free time. You need to know that it is absolutely not necessary for you to exercise in the morning because as long as you exercise during any time of the day, it is fine.

You will find that there are so many treadmills that are sold in the market and you can choose from so many brands. I would recommend you to carry out some research online and find out about the brands that are considered to be good and long lasting. There are many people who post reviews on treadmills online so you can easily check the reviews and decide which one to buy.

There are some people who prefer to hit the gym because they feel that the gym has many exercise equipments that they can use. On the other hand, there are many people who end up discontinuing going to the gym because they get bored to go there regularly. This is very common because many individuals do not like to go out and exercise all the time. On the other hand, when you get a treadmill at home you will not have to go out to work out. 

Just imagine: you will not have to think about the clothes that you are going to wear when you go to the gym as you can be in your comfortable home clothes when you run on your treadmill. It is also not necessary for you to spend time traveling to and fro the gym and as such, you will be able to save time.

If these reasons aren’t enough for you to consider getting a treadmill and run on it everyday, then I don’t know what other reasons you need.

Smoking and the Big Four Killers

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the top four preventable non-communicable diseases in the world. These diseases combined kill 3 out of 5 people.
These four diseases are diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, and cancer.
Smoking clearly contributes to 3 of the 4, and there is some evidence that suggests that it may be linked to diabetes as well.
The WHO lists four major risk factors for developing these diseases. By developing programs to help people to stop doing these risky behaviors, the WHO hopes to lessen the impact that these diseases have on the world.
If you are interested in improving your health, eliminating these four risk factors from your life is a good starting point for preventing the chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease that often lead to early death and disability.
How many of the following risk factors do you have?
  1. Smoking and tobacco use. This includes second-hand smoke exposure. The longer you smoke, the higher your risk. Quit smoking today. The sooner you quit, the sooner your body can start to repair itself. Not all the damage done by smoking is reversible, but quitting is still the best thing that you can do for your health.
  2. Lack of exercise. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly. Getting started is tough for many people. Try to do something every day first to make it a habit, then increase the time and intensity of your exercise gradually. Of course, check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
  3. Harmful use of alcohol. Some studies show that a glass or two of wine a day may be beneficial to the heart, but more than that can be detrimental to your health. If you dont generally drink alcohol, dont start. If you drink more than two drinks daily, cut back or stop. If you have a history of drinking too much in you or your family, be especially careful of your alcohol consumption.
  4. Poor diet and obesity. In general, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, avoid sugary foods and foods that are high in saturated fats. Avoid processed and refined foods. Keep your weight at a reasonable level.
If you have made changes in your life to reduce these risk factors, congratulations! Even making small changes in these areas can have a great impact on your health.
Dr. Tim Ferenchick is a board certified family physician who works with smokers to help them quit. He runs multi-session stop smoking groups in partnership with the American Lung Association. He can be reached at

Fat China – Is The New Prosperity A Ticket To Obesity?

China is the most heavily populated country in the world. Along with that it is also emerging as the next superpower with a rapidly growing middle class fueled by the spoils of massive industrialization and technological advancement. In the midst of all this fanfare there is a silent epidemic with future catastrophic outcomes that is also unfolding right under the nose of much media noise – obesity. Some startling facts show that China has the biggest number of smokers in the world standing at 350 million.
Apart from this amazing figure of tobacco use, it has been shown that another health time bomb is that of obesity with as many as a 100 million people thought to be obese in 2008 up from 18 million in 2005. Observers agree that there are certain key factors that is driving China down this road. As already mentioned the overwhelming prosperity in the last 10 years has been really an important factor to this problem. On the other hand obesity is also thought to be the negative outcome of the one child policy fiercely implemented by the government.

Exercise Ball Can Help You Have A Slim And Trim Body

Exercise Ball Can Help You Have A Slim And Trim Body

I don’t know whether you are aware or not but many claim that the best way to remain fit and healthy is to get an exercise ball. It is not just a stress-free technique to workout but it is also a very simple technique.
There was a time when athletes used the exercise ball to quickly recover from their injuries without causing unnecessary stress on the body but you will find that many are using this ball to keep fit these days. Te best thing about an exercise ball is that the exercises that are performed by using this ball will tone your body and they are also easy to carry out. You may or may not be aware but many people are using exercise balls to perform yoga, aerobics and Pilates.

While the advantages of an exercise ball are plenty, not many people believe that it can benefit us. This is probably the main reason why many are not using it when they work out regularly. You need to be aware that many physicians have successfully made used to of these balls to assist the severely injured athletes recover.

5 Fast and Fun Exercises You Can Do at the Pool

Although summer is still officially a few weeks away the passing of Memorial Day weekend unofficially starts summer due to the fact that community pools across the country are now open for enjoyment. Now I know that most people believe that summer is a time to be lazy and just hang around the pool, but the pool can be a great tool to use to get some exercise and stay toned. So, when you are at the pool try these fast and fun pool exercises to stay fit!
  1. Water Marching – First, start off by standing up straight with good posture and then begin walking through the water. March with continuous strides extending arms and legs as far as they can go. If your pool stays the same depth all the way through you can use the entire length otherwise use the length of the shallow end. Start with a goal of doing it for two minutes or until slightly breathless.
  2. Jumping Jacks – Your fitness level will be greatly affected by this exercise; so if you are a beginner dont get discouraged at first if you have trouble doing it. Start with your feet together and standing straight up with arms relaxed by your side. Bend your knees slightly and then proceed to push up off the ground as high as you can. As you jump up, kick your legs out to the side while pointing the toes downward and arms coming up above your head making a star shape. Once you land then immediately jump back up and bring your legs and arms back to your side in the starting position. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
  3. Arm Toning – There are a few ways to tone your arms in the pool. The first way is to come up to be in the pool facing the ledge with your arms and feet shoulder with apart. Once you have a solid base push away from the wall, extending your arms to a soft bend in the elbows. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Another arm toning exercise is to grab a small ball and stand in the water upright with your arms extended in front of you. Breathe and begin to move the ball in the water in a figure eight pattern doing rhythmically and maintaining good posture. Repeat 10 to 15 times. 

Organic Face Cream – What to Avoid, What to Look For

Every woman should learn how to take care of their skin even when they are quite young so they can age with as much grace as possible. While there are numerous factors that play into the health of your skin, many of which you may not even traditionally associate with this part of your body, organic face cream can help make a noticeable difference in how young you appear. Not only should you look for creams that are organic but, altogether you want an antioxidant face cream organic to deliver everything you want from your facial cream. Here are some warning signs to steer clear of as you choose your organic face cream.
? Chemicals are hardly ever desirable when it comes to skincare. Many companies manufacture products that are not considered antioxidant face cream organic because the man-made chemicals are much more affordable than organic, healthy ingredients. Therefore, they can either draw your attention by selling their products for less money or make an even heftier product by charging as much as an organic face cream can be sold for without the high-quality ingredients to keep their profits down.
? The harmful chemicals that make their way into face creams can come in the form of fragrances. These are often added to help cover up the smell of more toxic ingredients and make the product more appealing. Therefore, if you see a facial cream offering varying scents for your pleasure, know that you should avoid these to prevent coming in contact with more harmful chemicals. Plus, the perfumes themselves can sometimes be a skin irritant that you certainly do not need.

Dealing With Acid Reflux Disease in Children

Acid reflux in children is actually more common than one might think. It is also important to note that the consequences of not treating this disease can have the same long term complications seen in adults, namely damage to the esophagus, voice box, and the chance of esophageal cancer.
The first signs that a child may be suffering from acid reflux is difficulty swallowing, eating, and slow or stunted growth. You may also notice increased vomiting or projectile vomiting as well as throwing up green stomach bile. It may also appear to have coffee grounds or blood in it. Your child may also have trouble breathing after throwing up. These are all signs of gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) that need to be taken to your childs pediatrician for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosing reflux in children can be done by identifying symptoms and if needed a series of different tests, depending on what the doctor thinks needs to be done. An x-ray of the upper GI tract done in conjunction of swallowing barium can help diagnose a number of throat and stomach issues. An Endoscopy or esophageal pH probe may also be ordered in which a probe with a small light and camera are inserted down the throat and into the stomach. These procedures will require anesthesia of some type.