This is an easy-to-follow guided exercise for sending distant energy to another person or place. Ive taught this exercise and used it thousands of times myself in more than two decades of practicing and teaching Reiki, a process for sharing universal life force energy. The focus of this technique is on sending this universal energy to the other person or place for their or its highest good, and the results can be astonishing for both sender and receiver.
Many other disciplines have their own names for this practice. Some call it prayer. You may know of author and doctor Larry Dosseys books on the scientific proof supporting praying for another person. And maybe youve read of Masaru Emotos recent works showing the effects of positive thoughts on water molecules. From these studies and many others, it seems clear that directed thoughts, or energy, can have powerful effects.
Heres How To Do This Practice
You can learn this technique by yourself, sending energy to whomever or wherever you choose. Or better yet, you can practice it with another person, having him or her go into another room and taking turns sending and receiving with each other.
Begin by settling into wherever youre sitting. Let your body relax more deeply. Take several deep, long breaths, releasing slowly and evenly. Allow yourself to start feeling the energy in your body. Feel or imagine energy flowing through and around you, through every cell in your body, every part of your being. Imagine that this energy is your essential energy, the energy that connects you with this universe.
If you become aware of a place in your body where you may be holding back this flow of energy–it may feel tight or tense–just focus for a moment on that place. Let this energy flow through that place, and let your body open more to the flow of energy.
You Send Only Positive Universal Energy
Now, begin imagining you can send this energy to another person, or another place. Its important to form a clear intent and keep your focus on sending them positive, harmless energy. As long as youre sending positive universal energy, you can know its good energy which will bring only benefit and cant harm anyone.
This process isnt about trying to change, fix, or heal anyone in any way, only to send them energy for their own use. If youre sending to someone who isnt there with you, its appropriate to ask his or her higher self if its all right. If you get the feeling that you shouldnt, you may not want to, and then choose another, until you get a good feeling about it.
Many other disciplines have their own names for this practice. Some call it prayer. You may know of author and doctor Larry Dosseys books on the scientific proof supporting praying for another person. And maybe youve read of Masaru Emotos recent works showing the effects of positive thoughts on water molecules. From these studies and many others, it seems clear that directed thoughts, or energy, can have powerful effects.
Heres How To Do This Practice
You can learn this technique by yourself, sending energy to whomever or wherever you choose. Or better yet, you can practice it with another person, having him or her go into another room and taking turns sending and receiving with each other.
Begin by settling into wherever youre sitting. Let your body relax more deeply. Take several deep, long breaths, releasing slowly and evenly. Allow yourself to start feeling the energy in your body. Feel or imagine energy flowing through and around you, through every cell in your body, every part of your being. Imagine that this energy is your essential energy, the energy that connects you with this universe.
If you become aware of a place in your body where you may be holding back this flow of energy–it may feel tight or tense–just focus for a moment on that place. Let this energy flow through that place, and let your body open more to the flow of energy.
You Send Only Positive Universal Energy
Now, begin imagining you can send this energy to another person, or another place. Its important to form a clear intent and keep your focus on sending them positive, harmless energy. As long as youre sending positive universal energy, you can know its good energy which will bring only benefit and cant harm anyone.
This process isnt about trying to change, fix, or heal anyone in any way, only to send them energy for their own use. If youre sending to someone who isnt there with you, its appropriate to ask his or her higher self if its all right. If you get the feeling that you shouldnt, you may not want to, and then choose another, until you get a good feeling about it.