How To Send Positive Energy To Others For Their Highest Good

This is an easy-to-follow guided exercise for sending distant energy to another person or place. Ive taught this exercise and used it thousands of times myself in more than two decades of practicing and teaching Reiki, a process for sharing universal life force energy. The focus of this technique is on sending this universal energy to the other person or place for their or its highest good, and the results can be astonishing for both sender and receiver.
Many other disciplines have their own names for this practice. Some call it prayer. You may know of author and doctor Larry Dosseys books on the scientific proof supporting praying for another person. And maybe youve read of Masaru Emotos recent works showing the effects of positive thoughts on water molecules. From these studies and many others, it seems clear that directed thoughts, or energy, can have powerful effects.
Heres How To Do This Practice
You can learn this technique by yourself, sending energy to whomever or wherever you choose. Or better yet, you can practice it with another person, having him or her go into another room and taking turns sending and receiving with each other.
Begin by settling into wherever youre sitting. Let your body relax more deeply. Take several deep, long breaths, releasing slowly and evenly. Allow yourself to start feeling the energy in your body. Feel or imagine energy flowing through and around you, through every cell in your body, every part of your being. Imagine that this energy is your essential energy, the energy that connects you with this universe.
If you become aware of a place in your body where you may be holding back this flow of energy–it may feel tight or tense–just focus for a moment on that place. Let this energy flow through that place, and let your body open more to the flow of energy.
You Send Only Positive Universal Energy
Now, begin imagining you can send this energy to another person, or another place. Its important to form a clear intent and keep your focus on sending them positive, harmless energy. As long as youre sending positive universal energy, you can know its good energy which will bring only benefit and cant harm anyone.
This process isnt about trying to change, fix, or heal anyone in any way, only to send them energy for their own use. If youre sending to someone who isnt there with you, its appropriate to ask his or her higher self if its all right. If you get the feeling that you shouldnt, you may not want to, and then choose another, until you get a good feeling about it.

How I Helped My Heart Recover – Another Benefit of Fish Oil

This is a story I dont usually like to tell but one that I think could help people with related heart problems. And at its core is a simple benefit of fish oil that I discovered several years ago.
Its not a story about something bad that I did, just something personal. I was born with a weak heart. My entire life Ive had heart related problems and it has always held me back from really being able to excel at anything physical.
I still try to play sports and stay active, but when my blood pressure gets too high my heart simply cant pump fast enough and I get light headed and eventually pass out. Maybe now you can see why I dont usually talk about this? Its a little embarrassing for me.
But I have a background in health food and research so I decided to see if there was anything I could do to help myself. Ive never expected to be a pro athlete or anything but as Ive gotten older Ive realized that a weak heart will eventually be the cause of my death and that is not something I really want to think about!
So what can I do to help my most important organ? Aside from the usual story of healthy balanced diet mixed with a good cardiovascular exercise program I found two things. One is a supplement called Coenzyme Q10. It is an enzyme that most peoples bodies stop producing around the age of 30. The second is high quality fish oil.
Co Q10 is easy to find, well regulated and very consistent between brands. So I take it every day.

Kick The Habit – Exorcise Smoking With Exercise

So how does exercise help? I hear you ask – simple, with constant and routine exercise our bodies release addictive endorphins which is exactly the same thing that nicotine does and thats exactly why you get plenty of people who are addicted to exercise.
I kid you not, exercise is so beneficial in so many ways and that includes being one of the best weapons for helping you kick the habit of smoking – but unfortunately most people are simply too lazy to want to improve their health and so mostly ignore exercise totally.
Cast your mind back and think about the time when you were a whole lot healthier and did plenty of exercise. You were probably extremely active with one type of sport or other, maybe even more than one sport – and during that time you never even considered that you might need cigarettes and tobacco.
And why? Because of your serious but healthy exercise-generated endorphin addiction!
We end up addicted to smoking because we are in fact addicted to nicotine which in turn releases endorphins in our brain and gives us a high.

Know About The Urgent Care Services

There is no appointment required to make use of the services at Urgent Care.
This kind of care centers can treat conditions like asthma attack, flu, broken bones, cuts that need stitches, etc. It will fill the gap between emergency room and a doctors office and provides all the medical services needed. Both adults and children over the age of six months can be treated at these care centers.
Urgent care clinics are not meant to replace your visits to primary care practitioner or necessary trips to emergency room. Regardless of the sickness or injury you have a doctor at this clinic can be of help to you. But it is the option for fast and expert care for several injuries and illnesses. Here are the most common illnesses and injuries treated at urgent care:
• Fever

• Coughs and colds

• Allergic reactions

• Burns

• Sprains

• Chest discomfort

• Shortness of breath

• Sore throat

• Earache

• Eye pain, injury or infection

The Body Magic Shaper: Its Perks and Wonders

For many decades, countless products have been manufactured and sold in order to meet the growing demands of the female population. Being a woman entails a lot of things. One of these is the ultimate goal of achieving a healthy and attractive body in a more natural and less-invasive approach. Girdles for women of all sizes as well as other body-shaping merchandise were created to do just that. Nonetheless, we humans have the tendency to supersede our previous efforts. Thus, this leads to the conception of better and smarter products, just like the development of the Body Magic Shaper.
The Ardyss International, a company founded by the Diaz de Leon family in 1991, is the manufacturer and maker of the Body Magic Shaper. As its name implies, the Body Magic Shaper does shape the body in a magical way. This product is also termed as the Modern-Day version of a corset. And it surely does what a corset could do. It compresses the problem areas, specifically the buttocks, abdomen, hips, thighs, underarms and the back. Its health benefit is that it facilitates correct posturing of the body. Furthermore, those who have a hard time getting rid of the extra fat from the side rolls, A.K.A. love handles, will find it easier to shed off those unwanted bulges.
One of the many wonderful perks of this product is that it helps one shrink for up to 3 dress sizes. It gives a smoother, feminine look and gives the appearance of an instant tummy tuck. The product is a sturdy, lightweight fabric made of 100% fiber. It reshapes the body with an added layer of lace to exude a more feminine look. Currently, the product is sold at 140 US dollars. The manufacturer ensures a 30-day money back guarantee if the customer is not satisfied with the results. In order to avail of their money-back guarantee, one has to purchase the product directly from their official website.
Several reviews have been posted online regarding this product. And some claimed that one very slight discomfort is usually felt only during the beginning when one initially wears the product. This is of course expected since the product is new and the wearers body has to get used to the contour and shape of the newly-purchased item. Nevertheless, because of its many wonders and efficiency, the Body Magic Shaper is highly recommended by women from different ages, classes and walks of life.
For more information read this article on body magic and this article on the ardyss body magic shaper.

Information on Malaria and Its Many Deadly Symptoms

Malaria is a serious infectious disease caused by a microbial parasite known as Plasmodium. This parasite infects mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. The female Anopheles mosquito transmits this disease among humans via mosquito bites. Out of the eleven species of the genus Plasmodium, five are known to cause malaria among human beings. They are Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium knowlesi; with the first strain being the most dangerous. The malarial parasites affect the red blood cells of an infected person; as a result, malaria can also be transmitted through blood transfusion, organ transplant, or the shared use of needles or syringes contaminated with blood. Malaria may also be transmitted from a mother to her unborn child before or during delivery.
Symptoms Of Malaria
Malaria affects about 300 million to 500 million people annually with 90% of the cases being reported in Africa, South and South-Eastern Asia and certain parts of South America.

The Best Solution For Acne Problems!

inding the best solution for acne problems is easy, knowing that there are already many methods known to help in treating this skin condition. This condition typically lasts for three to four years, and may even continue from eight to twelve years (depending to severity of the case). But with any of the treatment available, the duration will be shortened.
Zenmed? is a 3-step program, which is considered a best solution for acne problems because it works at the root cause of the condition (dealing it both internally and externally). It is good for dry to oily skin (back, chest & body acne), and it maintains hormonal balance of your body as well as overall health. On the other hand, ProActiv is also an excellent medication because it contains an effective bactericide (benzoyl peroxide) as its active ingredient. It comprises a renewing cleanser, revitalizing toner, and a repairing lotion. Still other is Dermagist – a treatment for severe breakouts and cyctic acne. This treatment brings out quick results and it innovatively uses Resveratrol, a healthy and natural substitute of benzoyl peroxide.

Getting Pregnant Naturally – 4 Helpful Tips

Getting pregnant naturally has become your goal. This article will give you 4 helpful tips for how you can assist your body to conceive naturally. So how challenging is it to get pregnant? Some women make the decision they want a baby, and within a few months of trying, they are successful.
But for many others, trying for a baby can become an emotional roller coaster through doctors, specialists, clinics, enduring often traumatic and invasive treatments. Before trying other methods, many woman want to try getting pregnant naturally first, before turning to medical procedures. So how can you gently help your body to conceive naturally?
Womens infertility can be helped or hindered by stress factors and nutrition. You know that stress stops your body performing to its full potential. So develop habits that take stress out of your life.Your mind has a powerful impact on your body.

How To Lose Fifteen Pounds in Ten Days

How to lose fifteen pounds in ten days isnt something thats recommended. But, if your wondering can it be done, sure it can! A safe amount is more like three pounds a week, but thats another story. Some times a wedding or some special event your planning on is coming up, so this is a way to do it! Remember at any given time its not unusual to have five extra pounds setting in your colon. Its not something we like to talk about, but its the truth! Were really only talking about losing one pound a day for ten days, then six pounds on the tenth day.
Make sure your weigh yourself every morning just to stay on top of your progress. This type of weight loss is not so much in fat loss, but it does work. This method will get you where you want to go. As each day passes your going to be eating less and less.

Diabetes – How High Is Your Risk?

If you are like me you have family members who have lost their limbs to a disease known as diabetes. And, having seen the horrors of this disease, I am constantly aware how at risk I am for this disease. If you are concerned about your history with this disease, or what your risk factor for this disease is please read further as I elaborate on diabetes risk factors and which factors are under your control and which are not.
There are certain diabetes risk factors that are completely under your control. Factors such as your weight, your diet, your activity level all are things that you have complete control over and these factors are extremely important when it comes to type 2 diabetes.
Statistics have found that people who are overweight or obese are more likely to contract this disease than someone who is within a healthy weight range.

The Rule for Plus-Size Ladies: "Accentuate"

I once had attended a ladies party which led me to believe that indeed, being beautiful and gorgeous-looking is a choice. And also, I have discovered that a woman with a big, curvaceous body type can stand out among the rest in a nice and flattering way. I believe that the secret in strutting the red carpet even when one is not gifted with a models body is the way she carries herself, the way she expresses her confidence and of course, the way she chooses her clothing. Thats what I have learned when I saw a voluptuous and good-looking friend of mine making her way through the crowd wearing an elegant dress. She was able to carry the look because of her choice of clothing and the way she exuded her irresistible charm and oozing confidence.
The definition of beauty has always been influenced by our environment. And mind you, it does evolve through time.

Improve Your Health and Fitness With These 10 Tips

Here are ten tips to improve your health and fitness. Even athletes who are incredibly fit may not be really healthy. They often tread a fine line between health and illness or injury.

Health and Fitness Tip 1:
Listen to your body. As you are training it is easy to become preoccupied with the repetitions you are doing, or the time you've been exercising. Leave your watch at home and slow down or walk when your body hurts.

Health and Fitness Tip 2:
To improve your fitness health you need to eat a varied diet. Five fruit and vegetables a day should be your minimum target. Your health will improve if you eat at least five different kinds of fruit, then any vegetables will be a bonus.

Health and Fitness Tip 3 :
Take a complete day off from exercise every once in a while. It doesn't have to be every week, but doing extra training when you are tired may have a detrimental effect on your healthandfitness. You become fitter and healthier through rest as much as exercise.

Health and Fitness Tip 4 :
  Limit the number of supplements you take. Adequate amounts can in fact be absorbed by modifying the diet without the risks involved by taking a dietary supplement. Consult a professional dietician. Many sprinters and power athletes, for example, take creatine supplements because it gives them a legal edge. There is a risk, though, as it is possible that they have been contaminated by banned substances. This is a risk to your fitness health, and a risk financially if you are a professional athlete.