How I Helped My Heart Recover – Another Benefit of Fish Oil

This is a story I dont usually like to tell but one that I think could help people with related heart problems. And at its core is a simple benefit of fish oil that I discovered several years ago.
Its not a story about something bad that I did, just something personal. I was born with a weak heart. My entire life Ive had heart related problems and it has always held me back from really being able to excel at anything physical.
I still try to play sports and stay active, but when my blood pressure gets too high my heart simply cant pump fast enough and I get light headed and eventually pass out. Maybe now you can see why I dont usually talk about this? Its a little embarrassing for me.
But I have a background in health food and research so I decided to see if there was anything I could do to help myself. Ive never expected to be a pro athlete or anything but as Ive gotten older Ive realized that a weak heart will eventually be the cause of my death and that is not something I really want to think about!
So what can I do to help my most important organ? Aside from the usual story of healthy balanced diet mixed with a good cardiovascular exercise program I found two things. One is a supplement called Coenzyme Q10. It is an enzyme that most peoples bodies stop producing around the age of 30. The second is high quality fish oil.
Co Q10 is easy to find, well regulated and very consistent between brands. So I take it every day.
Fish oil is easy to find, well regulated but very inconsistent between brands. Some have high concentrations of Omega 3, some low. Some are good quality and some are poor. And more surprisingly to me was that price was not necessarily a good indicator of quality.
So I reached out to everyone I knew in the health food industry to get feedback on the different brands and the value in using fish oil. And sure enough, after sifting through all my own research and all the feedback I got from my professional peers I finally found a fish oil supplement that works for me and has worked for me for years. And truly, Ive never felt better!
If youre interested in finding out more about the other unusual benefits of fish oil Ive found, then visit my website.