About Puberty In Girls and Boys:
Puberty is often known as Adolescence. Adolescence age aka’ puberty age in Pakistan is from 10-15 years. Puberty in girls is in early ages in warm countries and a delayed puberty is known in cold countries. Puberty in boys is studied early in Pakistan due to media, cable and common discussions among young age boys placed on “nukar hotels”, chowks and other places like this.
Puberty meanings are “thinking of being an adult” due to common physical changes in body. Girls puberty is different than male puberty because of lack of discussions of feelings of being “What, Why and who.
Meaning of puberty: Female puberty:
Female puberty stages include, breast
development, start of menstrual periods and hair around pubic areas.
Female puberty signs may vary from race to race.
Meaning of puberty: Puberty in boys:
Same case is with boy’s puberty, the
signs include erectile erection, itching around penis and sensation of
feeling of attraction towards opposite sex i.e likes to play video games
that girl’s play.
Tips to avoid men’s weakness:
Eating pomegranate with empty stomach increase the production of red blood cells and helps in producing more strong sperms.
Constipation is the cause of premature ejaculation in male. To overcome this it is necessary to increase fiber intake.
Avoid Overeating; it is very common to males that after ejaculation they feel weakness. To overcome this weakness taking excessive food is not the good way. After ejaculation take the date “Khajoor”. Remember Khajoor is the most nutritious food and eating Khajoor regularly increase men’s power and cures fatigue after sex.
Proper chewing of food increases the segmentation of semen and increase semen quality in males.
To delayed puberty in both males and females a complete hormone test is required.