in human body often caused by nervous problem or by some physical
shocks. Always remember that strength and weakness is from Allah, we
should face it.
Weakness of Heart:
Both medical sciences and Tib-E-Nabwi believe that heart is the main organ of the human body. Heart weakness symptoms include palpitation of heart beat called arrhythmia (Irregular Heartbeat). When heart become weak then all the body organs performance is also reduced. As fresh blood supply is what our body cell always need. The weakness of heart leads to weakness in legs, muscle weakness and brain weakness.Heart weakness effect on Sex Power:
Heart weakness effects on the sex. During or after intercourse patient feel tired and become fatigue. Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are the common symptoms of sex power weakness in humans.Sexual deficiency in Human due to Brain Weakness:
Brain is important part of central nervous system. Human CNS (Central Nerves System) is based on the brain activities. Even the pleasure of ejaculation is associated with the brain. Our brain responds to million instructions per second at given instance. Like the messenger it conveys feelings or pain, pleasure and itching to human body parts.Reasons of Brain Weakness:
Fatigue, work overload and long term tension effects on brain’s functionality.Symptoms of Brain Weakness:
Brain weakness symptoms includes lack of memory, not being able to remember the names, lethargy in body, lack of sex desire and less pleasure while sex are common symptoms of brain weakness.Brain weakness Treatment:
- Use coconut oil to massage your hair and use it as permanent hair oil for couple of months.
- Eating brain of animals will also increase brain power especially sheep and goat.
- Eating almonds are best way to increase brain power.
- Nuts of all types empowers brain.